A New Photo Sharing App built to connect and reconnect friends.

PhotoBomb: a mobile phone app designed to create community, connection, and belonging through photo sharing and chat.

PhotoBomb provides a unique platform designed to connect, reconnect, and stay connected through delayed photo delivery and chat. PhotoBomb reestablishes connection and community by sharing photos and memories with each other in a way that creates anticipation and excitement, giving users something to look forward to every day.

Photos: Photos can be taken with your phone's camera through the app or uploaded from files on your phone.

Shrapnel: Each PhotoBomb can contain a single image or additional images which we call Shrapnel. When Shrapnel is attached a small image of a bomb will appear on the main image with a number inside identifing how many additional images are attached.

PhotoBombs: All PhotoBombs can be seen under the PhotoBomb icon. They are further broken down into those that have been sent by you and gone off (Sent), those sent but have not yet gone off yet (Bombs Away) and those that were sent by others and you are tagged to receive (Incoming). Those being delivered to you are categorized based on length of time until they go off with timers attached to each. Once they go off you will be notified by an in app alert.

Friends: Add or invite friends from your phone's contact list. They will be sent an invite by text to download and join PhotoBomb. After joining you will be able to become friends on the app where you can tag, share and chat with each other and others you choose to invite to each PhotoBomb.

Blocked Contacts: If anyone sends you a PhotoBomb you do not want to see you can always delete it before opening. You can also block that sender so you will not receive any more PhotoBombs from them. After they are blocked you need to wait at least one day to unblock them.

Comments: When creating and sending a PhotoBomb you are asked for an initial comment/title. This is where you can get creative by giving a hint as to what the PhotoBomb contains. Once the PhotoBomb goes off all tagged/invited friends will be able to share their comments on the PhotoBomb and Shrapnel as well. When a new comment is made a blue bubble will appear on the image with the number of new comments since you last opened the image. Add #hashtags to further describe the photo.

Schedule Delivery of your photo: Select a specific time in the future for your photo to be delivered. This can be by day, week, month, year or a specific date and time. While waiting to go off (open), those friends tagged will see a countdown timer. Once it reaches zero they will be sent an in app reminder that the PhotoBomb has gone off.